Whether it be your routine check up or physical or a medical scare, understanding your medical chart outcome is an important step towards keeping your health in your control...Knowledge is power.
Cholesterol is a lipid, or a fat like substance, and it doesn't mix well with water therefore is unable to travel freely within your bloodstream. To solve this problem your amazing body pairs cholesterol with a protein, ultimately allowing for easy transport to cells of your body that requires it for various functions, That pair up creates a complex called LIPOPROTEIN.
Low density Lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL), although both carry cholesterol throughout your body, they both have very distinct anatomical structures and function. Structurally, HDL is comprised of 20% cholesterol by weight and 50% protein. On the other hand LDL is comprised of 50% cholesterol by weight and 25% protein. Furthermore the type of protein between the 2 differ , which in turn affect their function. HDL is made up of A-I and A-II protein while LDL is made up of B-100 proteins. HDL is the good cholesterol while LDL is the evil one.

The different protein make up of HDL and LDL means their function are different. HDL carry cholesterol away from your heart and organs and into your liver for processing and dismissal. LDL Brings the cholesterol to your cells which can lead up to clogged up arteries and of course heart disease.
It is important to note that some factors does affect your level of HDL and LDL that are outside of your control. These include age and genetics or family history. HOWEVER, making better lifestyle choices WILL reduce your LDL and increase your HDL, such as exercising more than 30 mins a day, quit smoking, or increasing your fiber intake via vegetables, legumes, lean meats, fruits and nuts, and also fasting.
"The American Heart Association sets recommendations for LDL and HDL levels based on the amounts of LDL and HDL cholesterol found in the blood. High levels of LDL cholesterol or low levels of HDL cholesterol in your bloodstream can increase your risk for heart disease. Optimal LDL cholesterol levels are less than 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood. It is especially beneficial to keep your LDL cholesterol in the optimal range if you have two or more risk factors for heart disease, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. For HDL cholesterol, men and women should aim to achieve levels of at least 40 and 50 milligrams per deciliter of blood, respectively. HDL cholesterol levels of 60 milligrams or more in men or women may protect against heart disease."
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