Everyone has at least a mental image of what they wish they could look like, bigger chest, flatter stomach, bigger arms, bigger calves, bigger butt, I can keep going forever! Truth is we live in a society riddle with instant gratification, we are used to get what we want and get it fast. Take it from me, when it comes to altering how you look the natural way, biology will take its course at its own unique pace. The best you can do, is to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to and WAIT! yes that right wait! biological changes happen only during your sleep so the work you do today will only show tomorrow but only if you get the proper rest along with a billion other factors. It is for this reason that a goal as simple as losing 20 lbs isn't really that simple it requires proper mapping of the required trajectory and I will teach you how to do this and you can even apply it to other factors of your life.
Identify the ultimate goal! So you want to lose 40 lbs, write it down then let's take it backwards from there.
40 lbs of what? Is is fat, muscle, or simply a number value on the scale? your answer matters and will affect the situation. Lets say 40 lbs of fat, meaning the number on the scale will be irrelevant so we will need a different method of measuring our progress such as a %body fat measurement machine easily ordered online.
Solidify the goal tracking protocol! record your initial %body fat using the purchased machine (the calculation requires your weight), let's say you are at 30% body fat and you are an inactive 200 lbs female. So you have 60 lbs of fat and 140 lbs of everything else.
What's the time frame? You want to lose it in 2 months, that means you will need to drop at least 5 lbs of FAT a week or about 1.80% body fat a week.
Analyze the realistic value of the goal. The average person loses about 1-2 lbs of fat a week 60% less than your above estimate. Meaning you will have to lose 60% more than the average person, thus the above time frame or the goal itself might be too ambitious.
Tweak as you see fit, logically. We either change our goal to 40 lbs in 5 months or 16 lbs in 2 months.
Re-evaluate every month! Always look over the progress and your data, rarely is a goal project static.
Once the above parameters are set, we then dissect our monthly goal to individual days of the week, that is where you take into account the exercise and nutritional protocol you will undertake daily and map it out, using the above strategy. Goal of the day, time, and is it realistic? Change appropriately to accommodate the weekly goal.
Goal setting is an art that I proudly mastered. Do not be fooled by its easy perception, proper goal setting is hard and often never static. Need help in that department? Contact us or drop us an e-mail to alistaireNF@gmail.com and let's create your structure.